SP_TCP = "Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay"
SP_IPX = "IPX Connection For DirectPlay"
InControl.Desc = "InControl Tools 95"
InControl.dir = "InControl Tools 95"
CenterToViewport = "Center To Viewport"
MaximizeToViewport = "Maximize To Viewport"
PopupMenu = "Popup Menu"
StartMenu = "Start Menu"
;Centerto = "Center to...(8)"
;FastScrolling = "Fast Scrolling(10)"
Hotkeys = "Hotkeys"
;Maximizeto = "Maximize to...(7)"
;PanLock = "Pan Lock(6)"
;PopupMenu2 = "Popup Menu(12)"
;ScreenSaver = "Screen Saver(15)"
;StartMenu2 = "Start Menu(13)"
;SwitchDesktop = "Switch Desktop(3)"
;SwitchViewport = "Switch Viewport(4)"
Desktops1 = "1600 x 1200 x 16 bpp;1600 x 1200 x 8 bpp;1280 x 1024 x 16 bpp;1280 x 1024 x 8 bpp;1024 x 768 x 32 bpp;1024 x 768 x 16 bpp;1024 x 768 x 8 bpp;800 x 600 x 32 bpp;640 x 480 x 32 bpp;"
Desktops2 = "1600 x 1200 x 8 bpp (double screen);1280 x 1024 x 8 bpp (double screen);1024 x 768 x 16 bpp (double screen);1024 x 768 x 8 bpp (double screen);800 x 600 x 32 bpp (double screen);640 x 480 x 32 bpp (double screen);"
Viewports ="1600 x 1200;1280 x 1024;1152 x 870;1024 x 768;800 x 600;640 x 480;3200 x 1200;2560 x 1024;2304 x 870;2048 x 768;1600 x 600;1280 x 480"
;Zoomin = "Zoomin(1)"
;ZoomOut = "ZoomOut(2)"
InControl.sec = "InControl Tools 95"
SettingsPopup = "In Control Tools - Settings and Popup Property Sheets"
BigFocus.Tip.eng="BigFocus display list driver for AutoCAD R13c4 for Windows95/Windows NT \n- For this option AutoCAD must be installed first!"
BigFocus.Tip.ger="BigFocus Display Listen Treiber fⁿr AutoCAD R13c4 fⁿr Windows95/Windows NT \n- Fⁿr diese Option mⁿssen Sie zuerst AutoCAD installiert haben!"
BigFocus.Tip.fra="BigFocus - liste des gestionnaires AutoCAD R13c4 pour Windows95/Windows NT \n- Pour cette option, AutoCAD doit tout d'abord Ωtre installΘ !"
BigFocus.Tip.spa="Controlador de lista de pantalla BigFocus para AutoCAD R13c4 en Windows95/Windows NT \n- Para esta opci≤n primero debe instalar AutoCAD "
BigFocus.Tip.ita="Driver per visualizzazione BigFocus per AutoCAD R13c4 per Windows95/Windows NT \n- Per questa opzione occorre prima installare AutoCAD."
Directx3.Tip.eng="Microsoft DirectX 3 Runtime allows you to take full advantage of the multimedia capabilities of your graphics board, e.g. for DirectX games or Direct3D applications."
Directx3.Tip.ger="Microsoft DirectX 3 Runtime, erm÷glicht Ihnen, die Multimedia FΣhigkeiten Ihrer Grafikkarte zu nutzen. Wird z.B. fⁿr DirectX Spiele oder Direct3D Applikationen ben÷tigt."
Directx3.Tip.fra="Microsoft DirectX 3 Runtime, vous offre la possibilitΘ d' utiliser les capacitΘs multimΘdia de votre carte graphique, par exemple pour les jeux DirectX ou des applications Direct3D."
Directx3.Tip.spa="Microsoft DirectX 3 Runtime, es necesario para utilisar todos los capacidades de esto adaptador grßfico, por ejemplo para juegos or aplicaci≤nes de Direct3D."
WIN3D.Tip.eng="3DWin - 3D viewer software for AutoCAD R13c4 for Windows NT \n- For this option AutoCAD must be installed first!"
WIN3D.Tip.ger="3DWin - 3D Viewer Software fⁿr AutoCAD R13c4 fⁿr Windows NT \n- Fⁿr diese Option mⁿssen Sie zuerst AutoCAD installiert haben!"
WIN3D.Tip.fra="3DWin - le logiciel d'affichage en 3D d'AutoCAD R13c4 pour Windows NT doit Ωtre installΘ\n- Pour cette option, AutoCAD doit tout d'abord Ωtre installΘ !"
WIN3D.Tip.spa="3DWin: software de visor 3D para AutoCAD R13c4 en Windows NT \n- Para esta opci≤n primero debe instalar AutoCAD"
WIN3D.Tip.ita="3DWin - Software per visualizzazione 3D per AutoCAD R13c4 per Windows NT \n- Per questa opzione occorre prima installare AutoCAD."